Management Of Recurrent Parotitis- Medical and Sialo Endoscopy Shirish B Ghan
Extended Indication In Sialo Endoscopy Milind M Navalakhe
Invited Talk
Minimal Acess Surgery besides Robotic Surgery Prathamesh S Pai
Puberphonia- Laryngeal Manipulation Technique Sudhakar Vaidya
The Failed Mastoid Cavity Ashim Desai
Pyramidal artery - A new nomenclature Ashutosh Mangalgiri
Hall A
Invited Talk
How to safeguard ourselves from Medicolegal cases Rupali P Jain
Superior semi-circular canal dehiscence Gauri Belsare
Endoscopic Tympanoplasty Ramkumar Heda
Obliterative Otosclerosis Management B M Gupta
Pre op and Intra-op Radiology in Cochlear Implant Sudhir S Kadam
Hall C
Instructional Course
Local Anaesthesia in FESS-Master the Art N Ahilasamy